One Step At A Time November 3, 2019 Micah 6:8
As Christians, or even just as mortal men, what does our Creator expect of us? That very question came up in a conversation in the Old Testament. God had once again confronted Israel over their sin. The Lord’s message was an attempt to make them ponder their life and relationship with Him. He was their Judge and indeed, He is the only true God. They are going to stand before Him and give an account someday. As a holy and just God, He should punish evil and evildoers. But He is also a loving God. God takes no pleasure in the death of any man, even a very sinful one. He is the God of life … the very Creator of life. His desire is to forgive and restore all men to the life He intended for them. So basically He told Israel to stop sinning, love God and do good. Of course, He said much better than my paraphrase, but basically that was it. Part of the commandment had to do with their actions, and part had to do with their emotions or heart. It deals with what we do and why we do it. The same applies to us today. Perhaps you have heard it said before that Christianity is not a religion, it’s a relationship. It is a daily walk with a living God “Who is there and He is not silent”. And as we walk step by step with Him, He gently shows us the way to life everlasting that’s full and abundant. That process is our study for today. What’s the next step God has in mind for you?
Pastor Jon